所在部門 醫學院(FMD)
辦公室 擎天匯校區 PP-R207a
電子信箱 tmlam@must.edu.mo
林德明教授是一位合格的流行病學家和生物統計學家,被任命為美國流行病學學院院士和澳洲統計學會的註冊統計學家。他是兒童和青少年健康領域,特別是精神健康和其他相關領域, 許多政府競爭性資助項目的首席研究員。他也擔任許多醫療和健康研究領域的大型臨床試驗的研究顧問。他擁有醫療科學和心理學背景,熱衷於透過實證策略以及流行病學和統計學方面的技能來促進整個生命週期的身心健康。他的工作被史丹佛大學研究小組評為 2020 年、2021 年和 2022 年被引用最多的 10 萬名科學家之一(前 2%)。 作為臨床和社區環境中的活躍研究人員以及高等教育的組成部分教育者,林教授熱衷並致力於採用數碼科學技術在研究和教學中、以及轉化為臨床實踐。

PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, The University of Sydney, 2003. Graduate Diploma in Biostatistics, The University of Sydney, 2006. Master of Public Health (Research and Thesis), The University of Sydney, 1998. Master of Applied Psychology, Macquarie University, 1994. B.Sc.(Honours) major in Pharmacology, The University of Liverpool, England.


Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Mental Health


Public Mental Health/ Child and Adolescent Mental Health/ DHealth/ Digital Behavioural Addiction/ Clinical Epidemiology/ Clinical Trial Methodology/ Psychometrics.


Professor co-appointed as Vice President (Academic), Tung Wah College, Hong Kong 2017(July)-2022 (May) Professor of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Graduate School of Health, University of Technology Sydney, Australia 2016-2017 (June) Professor in Health Studies, Program Director, Doctoral of Education Program, The Graduate School, Hong Kong University of Education 2012(Sept)-2015           Associate Professor, Head of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Head of Evaluation,         Deputy Chair of the Discipline of Population and Public Health, School of Medicine, Sydney The University of Notre Dame, Australia 2009-2012 (Aug) Scientific Director, Centre for Trauma Care, Prevention, Education, & Research (CTCPER) Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children 2006-2009


Selected publications within the last 5 years. 1.        Lam LT, Wong P, Lam MKP. (2019). Protocol for a phase III wait-listed cluster randomised controlled trial of an intervention for mental well-being through enhancing mental health literacy and improving work friendliness in Hong Kong. BMC Trial, 20:672. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-019-3748-y 2.        Lam LT, Han DH, Zhang W, Tang L. (2021). Editorial: Violence and the Young: A Public Health Problem -Etiology, Epidemiology, Intervention, and Prevention. Front. Public Health | doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.724182. 3.        Lam LT, Lam MK, Reddy P, Wong P. (2022) Efficacy of a Workplace Intervention Program With Web-Based Online and Offline Modalities for Improving Workers' Mental Health. Front Psychiatry. 2022 May 31;13:888157. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.888157. 4.        Lam MK, Lam LT, Butler-Henderson K, King J, Clark T, Slocombe P, Dimarco K, Cockshaw W. (2022) Prescribing behaviour of antidepressants for depressive disorders: A systematic review. Front Psychiatry. 2022 Sep 9;13:918040. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.918040. 5.        Lam LT and Reddy P (2023) Editorial: Psychological status of medical workers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: Mental health emergence, prevalence and interventions. Front. Public Health 11:1186807. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1186807 6.        Lam LT and Lam MK (2023) Child and adolescent mental well-being intervention programme: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Front. Psychiatry. 14:1106816. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1106816.


1. Lam LT, Zhou JS, Wan GB. Eds. (2010). Psychological and Health-related Assessment Tools designed in China. The Netherlands, Bussum: Bentham Science Publishers. eISBN 978-1-60805-186-1 2. Lam, L. T., Reddy, P., Eds. (2023). Psychological status of medical workers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: Mental health emergence, prevalence and interventions. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-83252-136-6


American College of Epidemiology        Member MACE (2006-present)        Fellow FACE (2010-present) International Association of Epidemiology        Member (2022-present) Australian Statistics Society Inc.        Member (2002-present)        Accredited Graduate Statistician (2006-present) Australia and New Zealand Mental Health Association        Member (2015-present) Australian Infant, Child, Adolescent, and Family Mental Health Association        Member (2015-present) Australian Society of Behavioural Health and Medicine        Member (2016-present)